Understand actions to take with certain blood sugar values, and what your blood sugar values should be to achieve the A1C goal set by your doctor.
Understand actions to take with certain blood sugar values, and what your blood sugar values should be to achieve the A1C goal set by your doctor.
Learn about the risks, precautions and actions to take when using Levothyroxine for treating Hypothyroidism
Learn the various symptoms of Hypothyroidism.
Understand how beta-blockers work and the various uses, side effects, and risks with taking these medications.
Understand the different symptoms of heart attacks in men and women, and what to do when experiencing them.
Learn how Calcium Channel Blockers (CCBs) work, their medication names, uses, side effects and precautions.
Learn how to increase your good cholesterol while lowering your bad cholesterol.
Understand how to read your blood pressure.
Understand the risk factors and foot complications associated with peripheral neuropathy.
Learn about the effects of LDL “bad” cholesterol and foods that can lower LDL and help reduce the risks.